Widow given fire alarm after returning to home after tragedy

FIREFIGHTERS joined with Moe Willoughby as she returned to her home for the first time since her husband tragically died in a fire there last year.

John Willoughby died in their home in Ploverly, Werrington, Peterborough, in September, after a cigarette which had not been properly extinguished caused a blaze in their home.

Devastated Moe (59) assisted the Cambridgeshire Fire Service in their Christmas campaign to urge people to have smoke alarms fitted in their homes – she believes if she had had one in her own home, John (74) may have been saved.

And on Saturday, Moe moved back into her home for the first time, joined by a team from Dogsthorpe Fire Station who were on hand to fit smoke detectors in her house and to carry out a fire safety check.

Station officer Gavin Hammond said they were grateful to Moe for her support. He added: “We’re encouraging people to take up the opportunity of a free fire safety check and free smoke alarms. All they have to do is contact their local fire sstation.”

Source: peterboroughtoday.co.uk

Tags: Willoughby | Werrington | Ploverly | Dogsthorpe | urge | tragically | TRAGEDY | Smoke | Safety | returned | properly | moved | joined | HUSBAND | given | fitted | extinguished | died | detectors | cigarette | caused | campaign | Blaze | believes | assisted | alarm | Widow | SERVICE | September | Saturday | peterborough | John | hammond | Emergencies | Christmas | cambridgeshire

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