As you begin to read this, I want to ask you, why are you reading it?
Is it because it says 2 Americans were also killed?
Unfortunately this reflects how much American Television Networks value other nations around the world and how they determine what Americans should know about. In the past few days, international news segments reported the Mumbai terrorist attack. But surprisingly none said anything about the religious/political crisis in Nigeria which killed even more people than the Mumbai Attack ,even if you can find the news on their websites.
CNN: "Sheikh Khalid Abubakar, the imam at the Jos, Nigeria's main mosque, said more than 300 bodies were brought there Saturday, and 183 more could be seen near the building waiting to be interred."
MSNBC: "Sheikh Khalid Abubakar, the imam at the Jos, Nigeria's main mosque, said more than 300 bodies were brought there Saturday, and 183 more could be seen near the building waiting to be interred."
Fortunately No American was killed.
The lesson? As long as Americans are not dying, the bloodshed does not make news to the American public.
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CNN: "Sheikh Khalid Abubakar, the imam at the Jos, Nigeria's main mosque, said more than 300 bodies were brought there Saturday, and 183 more could be seen near the building waiting to be interred."
MSNBC: "Sheikh Khalid Abubakar, the imam at the Jos, Nigeria's main mosque, said more than 300 bodies were brought there Saturday, and 183 more could be seen near the building waiting to be interred."
Fortunately No American was killed.
The lesson? As long as Americans are not dying, the bloodshed does not make news to the American public.