Why Tom Vilsack is Starting So Early

Winning the 2008 Democratic Nomination will require taking down a giant, but the Iowa governor is eager to take the challenge.

If you're thinking about winning the Democratic presidential nomination and you're not already on a first (Hillary) or last name (Obama) basis with millions of Americans, it won't be easy. You have to find a compelling personal story or policy idea to distinguish yourself from at least a half dozen other similar politicians. Then, you need to sell that story convincingly to the news media, to experienced political talent you want on your staff and most importantly, to the deep-pocketed money men or the emerging Netroots who can help you raise upwards of $20 million to run a competitive race. Worse yet, you have to try to do this while all of those groups are to one degree or another sitting on their hands, eagerly anticipating a candidacy from Hillary or Obama. Then, as Howard Dean learned in 2004, you have to turn all that money, buzz and potential into an actual win in Iowa-or at least a close second.


Tags: convincingly | Vilsack | upwards | thinking | talent | Staff | presidential | Politicians | policy | news | Media | importantly | governor | GIANT | experienced | emerging | eager | dozen | distinguish | deep-pocketed | competitive | compelling | basis | winning | tom | starting | Nomination | netroots | Iowa | DEMOCRATIC | AMERICANS

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