Today in history - Dec. 13

Today is Wednesday, Dec. 13, the 347th day of 2006. There are 18 days left in the year.

Today's Highlight in History:

On Dec. 13, 1862, Union forces suffered a major defeat to the Confederates at the Battle of Fredericksburg.

On this date:

In 1642, Dutch navigator Abel Tasman sighted present-day New Zealand.

In 1769, Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, received its charter.

In 1835, Phillips Brooks, the American Episcopal bishop who wrote the words to "O Little Town of Bethlehem," was born in Boston.

In 1918, President Wilson arrived in France, becoming the first chief executive to visit Europe while in office.

In 1928, George Gershwin's musical work "An American in Paris" had its premiere, at Carnegie Hall in New York...........


Tags: words | executive | BISHOP | becoming | arrived | Wilson | RALEIGH | president | Politics | Poland | Phillips | Philadelphia | Paris | New Zealand | New York | New Hampshire | Nashville | george | France | Europe | episcopal | DURHAM | Dec | Culture | Carolina | BROOKS | Boston | bethlehem | American

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