Sexual assault parolees to wear electronic name tags

Rules are Rules: In case of parole violation, the justice ministry said that serious transgressions could result in a prolongation of the parole period or its cancelation.

After first introducing the idea about a year ago, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) last week started implementing a measure by which sexual assault parolees are required to wear a radio frequency identification (RFID) device, which will help police track the offenders' movements.

"Among the 520 sexual assault parolees nationwide, seven men were chosen to wear RFIDs because of their high potential for recidivism," Chang Ching-yun, the director of the Department of Corrections at the Ministry of Justice, told a press conference last week.


Tags: transgressions | recidivism | prolongation | parolees | Ching-yun | Chang | violation | tags | started | SEXUAL | required | potential | police | PAROLE | OFFENDERS | nationwide | MINISTRY | justice | introducing | Implementing | identification | FREQUENCY | ELECTRONIC | Director | device | conference | CHOSEN | assault | Rules | RFIDS | department | corrections

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