Procreation Vacations - Good for couples or Babies?

When Lucinda Hughes heard she would have to down sea moss elixirs while vacationing in the Bahamas, she was sure it would make her sick. Three months later, Hughes is very sick - every morning - and expecting her first baby in April.

As Hughes and her husband Kemry lounged on lush beaches and swam in their hotel's infinity pool, they sipped pumpkin soup and enjoyed couple's massages and reflexology. It was all aimed at enhancing the odds of babymaking during their three-day Procreation Vacation at The Westin at Our Lucaya Grand Bahama Island.

It's part of the latest trend that has hotels around the world luring conception-minded couples by providing everything from onsite sex doctors to age-old fertility boosters promised to hasten the pitter-patter of little feet.


Tags: three-day | sipped | reflexology | lounged | enhancing | elixirs | babymaking | Lucinda | Lucaya | Kemry | Bahama | Swam | soup | SICK | pumpkin | Pool | odds | moss | months | massages | lush | Issue | infinity | HUSBAND | hotel | expecting | enjoyed | COUPLE | Beaches | aimed | westin | vacation | PROCREATION | HUGHES | Bahamas

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