Today in history - Nov. 7

Today is Tuesday, Nov. 7, the 311th day of 2006. There are 54 days left in the year. This is Election Day.

Today's Highlight in History:

On Nov. 7, 1917, Russia's Bolshevik Revolution took place as forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky.

On this date:

In 1874, the Republican Party was symbolized as an elephant in a cartoon drawn by Thomas Nast in "Harper's Weekly."

In 1893, the state of Colorado granted its women the right to vote.

In 1916, Republican Jeannette Rankin of Montana became the first woman elected to Congress.


Tags: symbolized | Ilyich | PROVISIONAL | overthrew | Government | FORCES | elephant | ELECTED | drawn | Cartoon | vladimir | thomas | Russia | Revolution | republican | nov | Nixon | nast | Montana | lenin | harper | Colorado | California | Bolshevik | ALEXANDER

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