The next president must possess core conservative principles or risk losing the election and much of what America stands for, Rep. Tom Tancredo told a cheering crowd today at a conservative convention.
The Littleton Republican who is considering a presidential run presented his political vision in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference.
In a packed and cheering ballroom, Tancredo said it's imperative to crack down on illegal immigration and reject "the cult of multi-culturalism" that he says is destroying American values. Tancredo also declared the need to return to traditional conservative ideals, including opposition to legalized abortion.
"With the world at war, and the very survival of Western Civilization at risk, with the Supreme Court potentially one death or retirement away from reversing Roe Vs. Wade," Tancredo said, referencing the case that legalized abortion, "real conservatives cannot afford to sit this one out."
Tancredo was one of several potential and declared presidential candidates appearing at the conference, an annual Washington D.C. gathering of the right wing of the Republican Party. In presidential election season, it serves as an audition for candidates wanting to capture conservative activists and impress the national media with their ability to draw crowds.
Tancredo has formed a presidential exploratory committee, saying he sees the need for a true conservative in the race. He touted his conservative credentials and used three Biblical references during his speech.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., and Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., also spoke.
Conservative Political Action Conference members will take a straw poll Saturday indicating which candidates they most support.
Walking on to the stage to the strains of the theme from the movie "Rocky," Tancredo said he's a "huge long shot" and compared himself to the hero of the Oscar-winning boxing movie.
Tancredo alternately spoke about his potential to win the presidency, saying he knows it's David vs. Goliath, but that "David won." But he also seemed to concede he won't advance when he said he wants "a candidate in this presidential election that I can vote for."
"I'm so tired of voting because the person is the lesser of two evils," Tancredo said. "I want to be able to vote for somebody &I believe is leading a crusade, somebody who I actually want to participate in that crusade because they inspire me to do so.
"I may not be that person, I understand," Tancredo said. "But look for that in whoever it is you're going to support."
Some Tancredo supporters at the event said they believe he can win the nomination, despite the fact that lead candidates are raising an estimated million dollars a week. Tancredo's congressional bank account had $189,000 when he made the last required disclosure at the end of 2006.
"I absolutely think he can get elected," said Nathan Rager, 21, of Virginia. "He's the most well-known conservative in this race."
According to Rager, Former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani has a liberal record. Romney's record on conservative issues isn't consistent, he said. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., "is just an amnesty supporter," he said, referring to McCain's support of a legal status for illegal immigrants.
Republican K.C. McAlpin of Virginia didn't vote for President Bush in either 2000 or 2004, choosing instead an independent candidate. He wouldn't say whom. He said he'll do so again rather than vote for McCain, Romney or Guiliani.
Tancredo, McAlpin said "is an authentic conservative."
Romney supporter Ruth Malhotra, 23, of Georgia, however, said while Tancredo's done a "amazing work" on the immigration issue, he's "not presidential material.
"When you're looking at someone to lead our country, you need a strong record of leadership, more broadly defined," Malhotra said. "I don't think Tom Tancredo is the best person to lead our country."
During his speech, Tancredo demonstrated his fondness for controversy. He repeated his tempest-provoking remark made last year that Miami is like a Third World Country. He talked about the letter he received from then-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. In that letter, Bush said Florida people celebrated diversity.
"I'm all for celebrating diversity," Tancredo told the crowd. "When you make a state religion out of it, that's when you have a problem."
He said that the country needs a leader who knows we need a strong national defense "because our enemies are psychopaths and our allies are the French."
When comparing himself to the fictional Rocky character, Tancredo joked that one of the differences between himself and Sylvester Stallone was that "probably Sylvester Stallone does not smoke cigars. But I do."
The crowd erupted in large cheers and hoots. Last month, a Capitol police officer came to Tancredo's congressional office after a neighbor smelled smoke and called police. Tancredo was smoking a cigar, which is legal in lawmakers' offices.
"Although we are in the middle of a place that's run by what I refer to as the lifestyle Nazis here in Washington D.C., that don't let you do things like smoke in public places, in my office in the capitol anyway, the smoking lap is lit, even if my next door neighbor doesn't like it."
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